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The Traditional Academy at Bellair
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Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards

Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards (AZCCRS) Home Page

Preparing Arizona students for college, career and life

Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards give Arizona students the skills they need to be successful in life. Simply put, they are a set of expectations placed on students to ensure that when they leave the classroom they are prepared to become informed, productive members of their community. Upon graduation, these students will be ready to not only compete in a competitive job market, but to excel.

Arizona education standards have long been adopted by the Arizona State Board of Education to ensure every child in our great state has the skills to move through our school system.

These new standards, Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards, were adopted in 2010 after extensive public comment and public meetings by the Arizona State Board of Education. Schools began implementing the standards during the 2013 school year.

Across the state, Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards are being implemented to ensure that all students have the academic knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in college, career and life. These standards significantly raise the bar for our students, and focus on critical-thinking, problem solving, and effective communication skills. However, when it comes to improving educational outcomes, there are no substitutes for quality curriculum, effective teachers, efficient administrative leadership, and engaged parents.

“Simply put, ‘College and career readiness’ is the umbrella under which many education and workforce policies, programs and initiatives thrive.” (Achieve, Inc., 2012)

Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards General Overview

General Information about Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards

Future Ready Facts: College and Career Readiness