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The Traditional Academy at Bellair

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The Traditional Academy at Bellair
Home of the Silverhawks!

All About Us

Back to Basics Philosophy

The Traditional Academy at Bellair staff believes that a strong partnership between parents, students, and educators is requisite to the success of our students. We aspire to the principles promoted by our founding fathers encouraging hard work, tenacity, and a spirit of curiosity. We are dedicated to provide a rigorous, well-rounded curriculum and high quality instruction to ensure your child reaches his fullest potential. We will promote core values of integrity, excellence, and accountability in a safe and nurturing environment. 


  •  Curriculum
    • Opportunities to Accelerate one grade level in Reading, Writing, and Math.
    • Accelerated pacing has resulted in most grade levels accomplishing more than one year's growth in a single school year.
    • Advanced students can Walk-Up-to Math at the next grade level.
    • The same protocol can be provided for advanced readers or enrichment can be incorporated in the classroom. 


Spalding Reading & Writing

      • Our mission is to increase literacy for all children and adults by using The Spalding Method to develop skilled readers, critical listeners, and accomplished writers and spellers.
      • Education begins with literacy, and the inclusive and integrated Writing Road to Reading program is successful at teaching literacy.


Saxon Math

      • Saxon Math scaffolds instruction of each concept and continues to review information introduced earlier.
      • This allows students the time and practice to retain math concepts to the level of mastery.


  • High Standards of Behavior
    • We believe every student has the right to learn in a safe and focused environment.
    • Students and staff adhere to a well defined code of conduct that provides structure and consistency.
    • Teachers are very happy to be in a system where they can teach and students are happy to be in a system where they can learn.
    • We use a school-wide positive behavior system (PBIS) that creates well-known expectations and positive incentives for a job well done.  


3rd grade student Madelyn R. says:   This school is very good.We do have to wear uniforms. We do have a strict code of conduct. The kids also never misbehave in the classroom. I love how nice the kids are, because of our great teachers, and principal. You should come to The Traditional Academy at Bellair!  (P.S. - Our mascot is the Silver hawk)


  • Uniform Dress Code   
    • Research shows wearing a uniform to school builds unity, a sense of belonging and helps students focus on the purpose of learning.  
    • We are delighted to report that students and parents are feeling the same way!  

Third Grader Tyler:  I like this school because it has a strict code of conduct and we wear uniforms. At this school the tests are harder. I like the teachers here better than last year. We have a sweet principal. Whenever we see her, she puts her hand to her heart and lets us know that she respects us. I also like the new shoes we wear. I love this school a lot.


  • Parental Involvement and Commitment
    • In order to help your child be successful, we ask that all families commit to 10 hours of volunteer support each year which can include documentation of helping your own student with their homework!
    • We are willing to work with you to help find ways to meet this goal.
    • This requirement will go into effect as soon as volunteers are allowed back on campus.  


Gary Pollard, Father of 2nd Grade Student:  I also like the changes made as part of the traditional school model.  The uniforms are a plus.  My daughter really likes it  and it simplifies our lives as well.


  • Teacher Dedication to Excellence
    • All teachers at The Traditional Academy at Bellair are Highly Qualified and Properly Certified to teach their selected grade level and subject area.
    • Teachers engage in on-going professional development focused on curriculum updates and technology enrichment. 


  • High Levels of Citizenship and Patriotism
    • We celebrate our American heritage and way of life without political bias.
    • Each day begins with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence.
    • Silverhawks strive to S.O.A.R every day by showing Safety, Ownership, Achievement and Respect in everything we do.  


  • Social Emotional Learning
    • SEL is an integral part of education and human development.
    • It is the process through which humans show empathy and caring.
    • Our school focuses a great deal on gratitude and kindness.
    • Students earn Hawk Bucks to spend at our school store when they S.O.A.R by showing our core values. 
    • All Things EQ Program
      • All Things E.Q. (Emotional Quotient) is a social-emotional program that transforms school culture and prepares students to “show up” positively for themselves and one another to achieve academic success and social-emotional well-being. 
      • Evidence shows, All Things E.Q. increases student engagement, academic achievement, feelings of hope & well-being, and decreases student discipline referrals to the principal’s office.  ATEQ schools enjoy a positive learning environment and a caring school community.

All Things E.Q.