Tips for Reading
1) Find interesting books at your child's reading level (not necessarily grade level). You can use their Lexile test score, which indicates their reading level.
2) Discuss the text and illustrations and ask questions, make predictions, identify cause and effect relationships, and associations to personal experiences.
3) Take turns reading sentences, paragraphs, or even alternate pages.
Remember reading doesn't just have take place through books. Have your child read the instruction manuals, directions for recipes, magazines, notes you have written to them, greeting cards, signs and labels, and play board games such as Scrabble, Boggle, Trivial Pursuit, Monopoly and Clue.
Visit these websites for online reading activities:
Need to check a lexile level for you child's book? Type in the title or author and you can identify the book and it's lexile level.
Raz-Kids (All your child will need is their teacher's log in)