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The Traditional Academy at Bellair

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The Traditional Academy at Bellair
Home of the Silverhawks!

Sixth Grade

More About 6th Grade


Literature: Students learn about key ideas and details, craft and structure, and will compare and contrast texts. They read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry in the sixth grade text complexity range.

Informational Text: Students will learn how to cite textual evidence, determine a central idea, and determine how events develop in a selection. They will learn how to determine the meaning of words by using context clues and a range of strategies, analyze the structure of a text, and determine the author’s point of view and explain how it is conveyed in the text.

Writing: Students will write informative/explanatory and argumentative essays. They will write narratives with well-structured event sequences. They will conduct short research projects. They also learn to demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage. The goal is to write clearly and coherently with guidance and support. 


Students will learn about fractions, decimals, integers, algebra, and geometry. They learn how to use equations and inequalities to model problems. Students learn how to organize and display statistical data in graphs. The goal of sixth grade math is to prepare students for algebra by building a foundation in ratios and proportional relationships.

Social Studies

World regions and cultures: Students learn about the cultural, religious, economic, and political systems of selected societies in the Eastern Hemisphere.


Students will learn about energy, matter, patterns, scale, proportion, and quantity. They also learn about the solar system and ecosystems.